Cornwall Public Library

Temporary Location Open!

Temporary Location Open!

Happy to report we’ve made it into our new, temporary location at Munger Cottage (40 Munger Drive). We are able to provide basic circulation services – checkout materials to you and process your returns (no computers, printing, copying or faxing). Simply order your materials from other libraries and pick them up from our temporary location. Need help with that? Just give us a call. Our hours at Munger are:

  • Monday-Wednesday – 9am-8pm
  • Thursday – 9am-5pm
  • Friday – 9am-6pm
  • Saturday – 9am-4pm
  • Sunday – 1pm-4pm

Wanting to browse a collection? Take this opportunity to use your valuable Cornwall Public Library card at one of the other 47 member libraries in the RCLS system! *

*West Point residents with a Local Access card will need to continue ordering their materials for pick-up at our satellite location during our construction closure.

What about programs? Limited programming is still taking place, just in lots of locations around town. Take a look at our Events Calendar for more information on all our program offerings and where they are being held.